Why my android phone's battery getting drain so fast? How to fix it?

August 30, 2025 TOTOODO

What would be your feeling in the situation where "A day you were about to go out urgently with your smartphone with full charge & suddenly in the middle of the day, your device starts notifying you about the battery is going to dead state". If your ever faced, this situation that would be great. But, sometimes in your busy work in the middle if it shows you Battery Low and your are helpless to charge it, this situation could be very horrible. 

Almost all of your major works are being done on your smartphone itself daily. Smartphones play an important role in our daily lifestyle and they are getting more smarter with advanced technology and making our works even more simpler than ever. We mostly depend on them for making calls, for surfing the web, checking out the emails, for communication over WhatsApp or some other social media, for entertainment, for official works , for playing games and more...

Though devices are getting more smarter, still their is a small concern of most users on battery life. As we depend and use more and more your smartphone battery life goes down slowly. It's not mean that, you should plugging in for charging multiple times in a day. There could be may reason for battery draining.

Here are some of the Reasons why your phone getting drain so fast:

  • Screen brightness: Screen is the most part of your phone that uses your battery. The more you keep your screen brighter, it looks more colorful. The more brighter it is, the more usage it use.
  • Google services: Most of the google services are in background running state. Most of the Android Phones keeps all of it's services to be run in background and get synchronized and updated every time. This could be the Gmail, Google chrome, Android Applications, and many more. 
  • Applications settings: Un-known part of your applications are most dangerous to your battery life. As soon as we install any applications, it starts working in the background like saving data, synchronizing, updating, using your internet data which are un-known to the users. We just give the permissions allow to all the options.
  • GPS,Wi-Fi & Bluetooth: Most consumption of battery goes to these applications. Because, it's not the single application that uses in front, back end works with multi usage of your smartphone. 
  • Camera: Shooting Photos, videos gives you happy but, it requires a huge amounts of energy. Have ever feel warm when you over use your camera? According to the survey said that, if your keep your phone open in camera, 90% of your battery goes to drain state in less that 72Minutes
  • Third-party applications: Third-party applications can also use your battery too much. Try to minimizing your usage of unkonw applications.
  • Other Unwanted settings: Sometimes you may wantedly enable some settings like enabling vibrations, unwanted notifications, screen savers, screen locks.

How to Fix it?

Here are the best practices to improve your battery drain and functionality.

  • Lower Screen Brightness
  • Reduce Screen refresh rates
  • Reduce Lock Out Time
  • Disable unimportant Notifications
  • Charge your Phone when it is about 40%
  • Uninstall the Applications that uses more battery usage
  • Restrict Apps with high battery use
  • Turn on adaptive battery optimization
  • Keep your phone cool
  • Avoid Constant internet connection